To make investments there should be savings. A lower income person also wants to save, but his gross income and day-to-day expenses don't leave him anything to save. For example, if he has to save Rs 20 from tax by investmenting in NSC, he has to invest Rs 100. Sometimes considering his financial needs he will be prepared to pay the tax of Rs 20, so that Rs 80 is there for his other needs. Therefore, the capacity of savings is also very relevant. To increase savings one should make investments that give reasonable returns. Again this return becomes a saving if invested. This booklet talks' about the deductions available under various head such as salary and house property and also various modes of investments and tax deduction available from the said investments. The rebates, concessions and-liability of tax in this article are with reference to the assessment year 2001-2002 (financial year April 1, 2000 to March 31 2001). The amendments made by the Budget 2001 are also touched upon in brief.